Terms and Conditions

1. Legal warning

Mulier Studio , a company dedicated to the design and marketing of candles, we make this website available to users in order to provide information about our products as well as to allow their acquisition. You should keep in mind that Mulier only distributes to end customers for their own consumption. If you are a company interested in distributing our products, you can contact us by email at info@mulier.es and we will study the project in detail. The resale of products purchased through the online store is completely prohibited.

1.1.- In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform that www.mulier.es (hereinafter, Mulier) is a domain whose ownership is held by Silvia Durán Planas, with address for notification purposes in Madrid (calle mira el sol 2, esc. left, 3 right) and contact email info@mulier.es.

Mulier is a registered trademark. Its use is absolutely prohibited without the express written authorization of its legitimate registered owners.

1.2.- We ask users to carefully read these Terms and Conditions as they include the Conditions of Use of the website, General Contracting Conditions and, where applicable, Specific Conditions on certain services. Users are informed that, in case of disagreement, the particular conditions will prevail.

It is important that our users know these terms and conditions since they regulate the rules of use of the website and the online store, as well as the commercial relationships that may arise with our buyers.

You must bear in mind that, with the mere access to the website, as well as with the acquisition of our products offered through the online store, the status of user will be acquired and with this Mulier will understand that these Terms and Conditions have been accepted in their entirety.

1.3.- Mulier reserves the right, exclusively and at any time, to review these Terms and Conditions so that it can modify or introduce stipulations derived from legislative developments or corporate decisions.

All modifications will be informed to users so that they will be understood to be accepted when they continue using the website.

Likewise, Mulier reserves the right to modify the structure and design of the website, as well as the services or contents and their characteristics. Likewise, access to the website may be suspended during modification, repair, update or improvement tasks.

2.- Conditions of Use of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Portal. Hyperlinks

2.1.- The contents and, especially, the designs, texts, images or photographs, videos, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, hyperlinks, software, trade names, brands or any other sign that may be susceptible to commercialization or industrial use displayed on the website are the property of Mulier or third-party owners who have duly authorized their inclusion on the website or on any social network where Mulier is present.

2.2.- In no case will it be understood that any license is granted or that any waiver, transmission, total or partial transfer, concession or expectation of right is made, and in particular, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of said contents without the prior express authorization of Mulier or the corresponding owners.

2.3.- Reproduction of this website, as well as its contents, is prohibited unless expressly authorized in writing by Mulier. Without prejudice to this, the user will have the right to create links to the website page for private and non-commercial use subject to different conditions, Mulier reserving the right to request, at any time, the immediate elimination of any link to the website. . These conditions are:

– It will be a revocable and non-exclusive right.

– You may not imply that Mulier recommends said website, services or products or falsify their relationship.

– It must not include content considered in bad taste, obscene, offensive, controversial, inciting violence or discrimination based on sex, race or religion, contrary to public order or illegal.

– The link must direct to the website, without allowing reproduction as part of its website or within one of its frames or creating a browser on any of the website pages.

Mulier cannot control the information, content, products or services provided by other websites that have established links to the website. For this reason, it is not responsible for any aspect related to such websites.

Mulier's responsibility

2.4.- Mulier is not responsible for deficiencies in the service of its service provider, nor for communication networks, nor for problems resulting from the malfunction or use of non-optimized versions of any type of browser, as well as those arising from prolonged interruptions of the electricity supply, telecommunications lines, social conflicts, strikes, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the Government, and in general all cases of force majeure or fortuitous events.

2.5.- Both access to the website and the use that may be made of the information contained therein is the exclusive responsibility of the person who performs it. Therefore, Mulier is not responsible for the consequences that such use or access to information may cause, it will only proceed to eliminate, as soon as possible, the content that could cause damage or harm, provided that it is notified or has effective knowledge. .

2.6.- Mulier will not be liable for any possible security errors that may occur or any damage that may be caused to the user's computer system, files or documents stored therein, when they originate from a virus coming from the user's computer. malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions thereof, telephone breakdowns, interference, omissions or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system due to causes beyond Mulier's control.

Obligations and Responsibilities of users

2.7.- In general terms, the user undertakes to comply with all the obligations specified in the Terms and Conditions in force at all times and to always act in accordance with the law, good customs and the requirements of good faith, using due diligence appropriate to the nature of the service you enjoy, refraining from using the website in a way that could prevent, damage or deteriorate its normal functioning, the property or rights of Mulier, the rest of the users or in general of any third party.

2.8.- In particular, the user undertakes to provide truthful data when it is required for the provision of the service, and will refrain from:

2.8.1.- Introduce, store or disseminate on or from the website any information or material that is defamatory, libelous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, incites violence or discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion or that in any way violates morality, public order, fundamental rights, public liberties, honor, privacy or the image of third parties and in general the current regulations;

2.8.2.- Introduce, store or disseminate in any way through the website or means made available to you any software, data, virus, code... that is likely to cause damage to the website, to any of the services, or to any of the equipment, systems or networks of Mulier, of any third party, or that in any other way is capable of causing any type of alteration or preventing their normal functioning;

2.8.3.- Impersonate the identity of third parties when using the website.

2.9.- The user will be responsible for the violation of any of these obligations and any damages that may be caused.

3. General Contract Conditions

These General Contracting Conditions, together with, where appropriate, the particular conditions that may be established, expressly regulate the commercial relations between Mulier and the users who carry out the purchase and sale of the products offered through the online store.

Mulier may unilaterally modify, and at any time, any of the stipulations contained in this text, either by eliminating, limiting or suspending them temporarily or permanently.

These conditions have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, on information society services and electronic commerce, Law 7/1998 on General Contracting Conditions, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 by The consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users is approved in its latest modification included in Law 3/2014 of March 27, Law 7/1996 on the Regulation of Retail Trade, the Royal Decree-Law 14/1999 regulating the Electronic Signature and any legal provisions that may be applicable.

Pre-Hire Information

3.1.- Users are informed that the procedures for purchasing our products will be those shown on the screen at all times and those described in these General Conditions.

The user declares that he or she knows and accepts said procedures as necessary to proceed with the purchase.

3.2.- The language in which the contract between Mulier and the client will be perfected will be Spanish.

Products Offered. Purchasing System

3.3.- The user will be able to view in our online store all the products offered for purchase classified by categories.

Each of the products will be shown along with its price and, by clicking, users will be able to access its complete file where they can view its ingredients, characteristics, properties and instructions for use, if applicable.

Prices will be current at all times, except for possible typographical errors.

Mulier reserves the right to decide at all times the products made available to users through the online store, whether temporarily or permanently.

Likewise, it reserves the right to unilaterally modify, without prior notice, the prices of the products, as well as the establishment of temporary offers on them.

Billing and Payment Methods

The payment system is carried out through an e-commerce payment gateway with a secure server certified according to the SSL protocol through the STRYPE platform.

Mulier, consequently, does not have the banking details and, specifically, the credit card details of the online store's customers.

You must bear in mind that to make the purchase you must be of legal age or, where applicable, be authorized by your guardian or legal representative.

3.9.- Once the purchase has been made, the customer will receive a notification via email confirming the details of their order.

3.10.- When the amount of a purchase has been charged fraudulently or improperly using the payment card number, the buyer will be entitled to demand the immediate cancellation of the charge.

However, if the purchase had actually been made by the card-holder buyer and the return demand was not a consequence of having exercised the right of withdrawal or resolution, he will be obliged to the businessman to compensate for the damages caused as consequence of said cancellation.

Order Shipping

3.11.- Mulier undertakes to deliver the purchased goods to the address provided in the billing form. You must bear in mind that we only operate in the national territory and products will not be delivered to post office boxes or public places. The products will be delivered within the period indicated for each product and, in any case, always within thirty calendar days from the confirmation of the purchase.

Mulier guarantees the existence of all the products offered. In the event that the selected product had been sold out or was out of stock at the time of placing the order and said information could not be updated on the portal, Mulier will contact the user as quickly as possible in order to communicate the new delivery times, or to proceed with the refund of the amount of the aforementioned purchase in the event that the user is not satisfied.

3.12.- Shipping costs will be borne by the buyer, and can be previewed at the time of purchase and subsequent confirmation in the billing form.

3.13.- Mulier will not assume any responsibility for delays in the delivery of orders when this delay is the exclusive fault of the buyer or the person authorized to receive them. At the time of delivery, the user must sign the delivery note in accordance with the order delivered and accepted.

In the event that the product has arrived in poor condition due to transport, the user must indicate this on the delivery note and notify Mulier within 24 hours of receipt to our customer information and service telephone number, or communicate this circumstance via email. electronic.

The buyer assumes the risks of deterioration, impairment, damage and loss of the products in the order from the moment of their delivery.

The client will be responsible for the storage and conservation of the products under the conditions that, where appropriate, are established on their labeling.

Withdrawal and Returns

3.14.- The buyer will have a period of up to fourteen (14) calendar days from receipt of the product to resolve the sale, without indicating any reason, or filing a claim.

The right of withdrawal will not be applicable, according to article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws. , to contracts that refer to:

– The supply of sealed goods that are not suitable for return for health protection or hygiene reasons and that have been unsealed after delivery.

In this sense, users are informed that this rule will apply to any type of product and, therefore, withdrawal will not apply.

3.15.- For products not exempted according to the previous rule, the buyer who wishes to exercise the right of withdrawal must inform Mulier of his decision to withdraw from the contract, by communication via email (sent a message) to info@mulier.es or by written communication addressed to Mulier's management.

For this purpose, Mulier makes available to buyers a withdrawal form that must be completed and sent to Mulier through any of the options set out.

Once said communication has been made and received by Mulier, acknowledgment of receipt will be given. Once the right of withdrawal has been exercised, its processing will be managed through the email info@mulier.es.

3.16.- To make the return, the buyer must send the product without undue delay and, in any case, before 14 days have elapsed from the date on which the withdrawal has been communicated.

The product must be in perfect condition and in its original packaging. Returns of orders must be processed to the Mulier address, with the return costs being borne by the buyer.

3.17.- The exercise of the right of withdrawal will extinguish the parties' obligations to execute the contract.

3.18.- Mulier will refund any payment received from the buyer, not including delivery costs, without undue delay and, in any case, before 14 calendar days have elapsed from the date on which the withdrawal has been communicated. Mulier reserves the right to withhold the refund until the goods have been received, or until the consumer and user has presented proof of return of the goods.

4. Communications

4.1.- For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, and for any communication that is necessary between Mulier and the user, they must send written communication to the address Calle Mira El Sol 28005 Madrid; by email (sent a message) to info@mulier.es.

The User expressly accepts, for all communications related to the use of the website, and/or the purchase of products, the use of email as a valid procedure for sending said communications.

5. Applicable Legislation. Submission to jurisdiction

5.1.- These conditions will be governed by Spanish legislation, which will apply to what is not provided in this contract regarding interpretation, validity and execution.

5.2.- The parties expressly renounce the jurisdiction that may correspond to them and expressly submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid to resolve any controversy that may arise in the interpretation or execution of these contractual conditions.


(You should only complete and send this form if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

To the attention of Mulier, with address at Calle Mira El Sol, 2, in the town of Madrid (28005, Madrid) and email info@mulier.es.

I/we hereby inform you (*) that I/we withdraw from our(*) purchase contract for the following good:

Order number …………………………… received on ……………………..……

Name of buyer or buyers:

Address of the buyer or buyers:

Signature (if presented on paper)